Meth is one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs abused today. Thankfully, even the most severely addicted people can make lasting recoveries with today's drug rehab programs. Due to medical advances over the last several decades, addiction specialists have been able to develop a myriad of effective addiction treatments. Here are a few of the proven methods which rehab clinics use to help people recover from meth addiction.

Rapid Detox
Most people who come to rehab clinics with severe physical drug dependencies require detoxification. Detox is a five to fourteen-day process of drug deprivation that weans addicts of their constant and immediate needs for drugs. It doesn't cure addiction - nothing does - but it allows rehab patients to effectively engage their therapies.
In the case of meth addiction, however, normal detox methods can involve risk of breathing problems, seizures, and even heart attack. To mitigate these symptoms, doctors sometimes use specialized medicines to induce rapid detox. Meth addicts can experience days of withdrawal within hours, limiting the time they spend exposed to high-risk withdrawal symptoms.
Inpatient Treatment
Because meth causes such severe addictions, addicts typically require inpatient rehabilitation programs. Inpatient treatment lasts one to three months and requires addicts to live at their treatment facilities. Patients receive fifty or more hours of therapy per week - therapies which help them make rapid but lasting lifestyle changes.
There are a variety of effective therapies for addiction treatment, but the most common ones are called evidence-based therapies. These primarily include individual counseling, group discussions, and family therapy, and they are the most rigorously tested treatments available today.
Individual Counseling
All evidence-based therapies are effective, but one-on-one counseling sessions are the most important aspect of most addicts' recoveries. During counseling, addicts discover the root causes of their addictions and learn to identify their triggers - the people, places, and objects which lead them to use drugs.
Once they have made these personal discoveries, addicts can effectively formulate plans to avoid their triggers and deal with drug cravings. Addiction last a lifetime, and these coping strategies are crucial for staying sober when life's unpredictable situations cause cravings to reemerge.
Biofeedback Therapy
Meth is one of the most physically damaging illicit drugs, and users often lose their abilities to identify the physical warning signs of impending cravings. To restore this kind of mind-body connection, rehab clinicians use specialized biofeedback machines to monitor patients' vital signs. They the teach addicts the connections between physical stressors and drug cravings, allowing them to avoid future temptations to use.
Sweeping Lifestyle Changes
In most cases, addicts must make drastic changes to their lifestyles to maintain the clean lives they begin during rehab. In most cases, they must cut ties with old friends who still use drugs - even if those are the only friends they have. Since stress so often leads people to relapse, they must also change their careers, social circles, and living arrangements to create low-stress environments.
Meth addiction can make life seem utterly hopeless, but even the most severely dependent users can get clean. If you're struggling with meth or other drugs, click the links below to locate the treatment centers in your area. Drug rehab can help make life worth living again - all you have to do is ask for help.

Rapid Detox
Most people who come to rehab clinics with severe physical drug dependencies require detoxification. Detox is a five to fourteen-day process of drug deprivation that weans addicts of their constant and immediate needs for drugs. It doesn't cure addiction - nothing does - but it allows rehab patients to effectively engage their therapies.
In the case of meth addiction, however, normal detox methods can involve risk of breathing problems, seizures, and even heart attack. To mitigate these symptoms, doctors sometimes use specialized medicines to induce rapid detox. Meth addicts can experience days of withdrawal within hours, limiting the time they spend exposed to high-risk withdrawal symptoms.
Inpatient Treatment
Because meth causes such severe addictions, addicts typically require inpatient rehabilitation programs. Inpatient treatment lasts one to three months and requires addicts to live at their treatment facilities. Patients receive fifty or more hours of therapy per week - therapies which help them make rapid but lasting lifestyle changes.
There are a variety of effective therapies for addiction treatment, but the most common ones are called evidence-based therapies. These primarily include individual counseling, group discussions, and family therapy, and they are the most rigorously tested treatments available today.
Individual Counseling
All evidence-based therapies are effective, but one-on-one counseling sessions are the most important aspect of most addicts' recoveries. During counseling, addicts discover the root causes of their addictions and learn to identify their triggers - the people, places, and objects which lead them to use drugs.
Once they have made these personal discoveries, addicts can effectively formulate plans to avoid their triggers and deal with drug cravings. Addiction last a lifetime, and these coping strategies are crucial for staying sober when life's unpredictable situations cause cravings to reemerge.
Biofeedback Therapy
Meth is one of the most physically damaging illicit drugs, and users often lose their abilities to identify the physical warning signs of impending cravings. To restore this kind of mind-body connection, rehab clinicians use specialized biofeedback machines to monitor patients' vital signs. They the teach addicts the connections between physical stressors and drug cravings, allowing them to avoid future temptations to use.
Sweeping Lifestyle Changes
In most cases, addicts must make drastic changes to their lifestyles to maintain the clean lives they begin during rehab. In most cases, they must cut ties with old friends who still use drugs - even if those are the only friends they have. Since stress so often leads people to relapse, they must also change their careers, social circles, and living arrangements to create low-stress environments.
Meth addiction can make life seem utterly hopeless, but even the most severely dependent users can get clean. If you're struggling with meth or other drugs, click the links below to locate the treatment centers in your area. Drug rehab can help make life worth living again - all you have to do is ask for help.