Leading alcohol and drug rehab that has helped thousands of individuals suffering with drug addiction and alcoholism find rehabilitation for their addictions
Rehab Ny Provides Individualized Drug Rehabilitation With Personalized Care
There are several treatment centers in New York and each one is specific in a particular type of treatment. Mostly, the treatment and programs provided by Rehab Center NY are differentiated according to length of treatment. Basically the treatments provided by these treatment canters are of two types. One is short term treatment and other one is long term treatment.
Short Term Treatment
In short term treatment, the treatment programs offered by these centers is just a matter of some weeks. Treatment programs are generally completed in three to four weeks. The treatment package is modified in such a way that it covers all the aspects correctly while limiting to the short period of treatment. During this process, addicts have to undergo detoxification process in order to get rid of toxic materials properly. Addition to this, twelve step programs are given to treat the mental aspect and various other exercises, group meetings and sessions to give behavioral and emotional treatment. This meeting and counseling are conducted frequently in the treatment centers which are very useful in the phase of recovery. In short term treatment, they also provide aftercare that will that will make certain that you are supporting your recovery after leaving the center.
Long term treatment
In long term treatment, the treatment programs may lasts for one to two years. Depending upon the condition of the patients, duration of the programs may vary. Generally, long term treatment program are for those who are addicted to hard drugs and has been going for long time. In these treatment centers, addicts have to stay in the residential settings during the treatment program. Addicts are monitored continuously under the supervision of experts. Therefore, the chances of recovery are faster and success rate is higher than the short term treatment.
These treatment centers also offer outpatient treatment program. This program is for those who cannot stay in the treatment center for pursuing the treatment. In this case patients have to visit the center frequently for counseling and medication.
Thus, it is always better to pick a center which offers treatment personalized to suit individual conditions in which you are fully comfortable such as Rehab NY.
A Short Guide to the Entire History of Italian Renaissance Painting
The exact parameters are up for debate but I am referring to art created by artists who lived in what is currently considered Italy from 1300 to 1600. The definitive idea of the "Italian Renaissance" was conceived of in the mid-19th century. When I lecture on this subject I tell my students that the phrase "Italian Renaissance" is a bit misleading for a few reasons.
Keep in mind that Italy was not united as a modern country until 1861, during the Renaissance it was governed by several large city-states including The Vatican (Rome), The Kingdom of Naples (ruled after 1504 by the Spanish), the Republic of Florence, the Duchy of Milan, The Republic of Genoa, the Duchy of Savoy (Torino) and Sardinia among others. Due to the different independent city-states the art and architecture from each region was in fact quite different and should be noted as such rather than being thought of as one overall "Italian" style.
The three hundred year period known as the Renaissance (the rebirth of classical arts and humanities) can be further broken into several chronological periods. Contemporary writer Giorgio Vasari conceived of the Trecento, Quattrocento and Cinquecento to describe the 1300's, 1400's and 1500's and I find that terminology useful as well as a way to describe the artistic differences between the early, middle and later periods.
Here then is our Short Guide to the Entire History of Italian Renaissance Painting:
Early Renaissance/Trecento (the 1300's)
The idea of realism wasn't important as it would be later, the purpose of these devotional panels was to both teach people of Christianity and help the faithful reflect on God, Christ, Mary, Saints and Angels. Trecento devotional paintings were influenced by Eastern Orthodox Icon paintings.
One of the things that sets Italian Renaissance Quattrocento art apart from earlier art is the use of perspective to add depth and realism. Sculptor and architect Filippo Brunelleschi carefully observed art and ancient Roman architecture and through his observations developed the modern system of single point perspective using a vanishing point. The first painter to incorporate this new style was Masaccio in his St. Peter fresco cycle in Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence done around 1425 (see example below).
Madonna and Child with Two Angels, Fra Filippo Lippi, 1465,
egg tempera on wood panel, Uffizi
The figures and perspective have been altered to create a convincing illusion of depth when seen from below. The surface they have been painted on is flat but due to the use of foreshortening appears to continue upward. In Italian there is an expression for this "di sotto in su" which means to be seen from below upwards and this idea began to be incorporated into painting, sculpture and architecture.
A short list of some of other influential painters of the High Renaissance includes: Antonio da Correggio, Luca Signorelli, Giorgio Vasari, Giovanni Bellini, Fra Bartolomeo, Lorenzo Lotto, Andrea del Sarto and Jacopo Bassano. One of the hallmarks of the time was the fact that artists were so prolific during this period.
However Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael all achieved great fame in their own lifetimes as being masters of painting and it is easy to see why. Each made huge progress within the arts, let's discuss some examples below.
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The Lybian Sybil, Michelangeo, 1508-12 fresco, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, Vatican |
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La Donna Velata, Raphael, 1514-15, oil on canvas Palatine Gallery, Palazzo Pitti |
Unlike the other two masters of the High Renaissance Raphael painted many, many paintings. He painted more paintings in his short life (Raphael died on his 37th birthday) than Leonardo and Michelangelo combined. He painted both fresco and on canvas with oils and continued to enhance and reinvent his style.
The death of Raphael in 1520 signaled the end of the High Renaissance.
The Accademia Gallery, Venice
There are a few things to keep in mind with the Venetian school. First is that unlike the Florentine and Roman painters the Venetians were using primarily oil on canvas. The art of fresco painting didn't work as well with the dampness that Venice had. This led to new painting methods and techniques as the method for fresco and for oil on canvas is completely different.
The Venetians were known for using sensuality in art, including the use of the female nude which wasn't as popular before. Perhaps that is due to the fact that the patronage had shifted from churches and the pope to individual wealthy patrons and ruling families.
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Venus of Urbino, Titian, 1538, oil on canvas, Uffizi Gallery |
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Moses Striking Water from the Rock, Tintoretto, 1577, oil on canvas, Scuola di San Rocco, Venice |
Part of the change in technique was that they didn't start out on a white background; especially Tintoretto used very dark backgrounds and built up layers of highlights. Their technique is referred to as indirect painting as they use many washes and glazes of thin color to build up their final images. Another change was the addition of dramatic approaches to painting, gone are the perfect harmony and Renaissance proportions (such as Perugino’s fresco shown above) and they are replaced by dramatic and asymmetrical compositions (such as Titian's Madonna).
The Venetians also had as patrons the churches in Venice and the Veneto (not as much with the papal rulers) and the Doge of Venice too. This time period in art coincided with the Counter-Reformation so a lot of the art is very Catholic. Veronese's huge painting Feast in the House of Levi was really a Last Supper but he was brought to trial in front of a judge to explain it as it didn't meet the Counter Reformations new codes for religious painting. Veronese had worked for a few years on it, so he gave it a new title and modified the scene to fit with that.
While the Renaissance did continue after this time, the new style of Baroque was ushered in around 1600.
Additional Reading
Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling, Ross King. Penguin, 2003.
Do Women Benefit Best from Gender-Responsive Drug Rehab Treatment?
SAMHA has developed a new treatment protocol targeting female addicts called Substance Abuse Treatment has been focusing on gender specific research and best practices in substance abuse treatment. Their new Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) focuses on providing effective, modern treatment options for women recovering from drug addiction.
What Does Gender-Responsive Drug Rehab Treatment Involve?
The TIP provides important clinical and administrative information to help drug treatment personnel including program administrators, counselors and clinical supervisors apply the best treatment options and strategies based on the specific treatment needs of female patients. It also provides a guide to additional resource material if more information on the topic is needed.
According to TIP, women respond best when drug rehab treatment is comprehensive involving the different aspects of their lives from a social and environmental standpoint while also addressing their relationships with immediate family members, extended family, friends and other support networks. Research has also shown that women in treatment experience more positive outcomes when their treatment program includes supportive therapy, onsite childcare and children’s services and other such treatment services.
Female Addiction Patterns Revealed
Many women report stress and troubled relationships as major triggers that can initiate early drug use. A large majority of women who use drugs are grappling with relationships, issues surrounding relationship status or have a partner who abuses drugs . Even though studies show that more men abuse drugs than women, it also reveals that women are just as likely to develop and addiction after experimenting.
One problem that must be addressed in regards to female drug use is the issue of using while pregnant. Using/abusing drugs while pregnant can cause serious harm to the unborn child. TIP encourages mandatory screening for substance abuse as part of prenatal care.
Treating Addiction and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders
Women needing drug rehab treatment are more likely than men to also have diagnosed mental disorders such as eating disorders, post partum depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress and other mood disorders. When mental disorders go untreated, it significantly increases the chances for relapse. It is important to continue treating any known mental disorders in addition to providing a drug rehab treatment program to provide the best chance at a successful recovery.
Rodin's The Thinker
I personally have also seen Rodin's The Thinker at the Rodin Museum in Paris and the Rodin Museum in Philadelphia and every time I am struck by this profoundly beautiful work.
Rodin undertook an enormous project to create a set of doors for the French Decorative Arts Museum in Paris and the theme for this was the Gates of Hell from Dante's Inferno (from his Divine Comedy), the author's imaginings on hell and afterlife. Another of Rodin's most famous sculptures, The Kiss, also represents characters from Dante's Inferno, the star crossed lovers Francesca and Paolo.
Like The Thinker or many of Rodin's other bronze sculptures, The Gates of Hell has also been cast many times. A detail is shown above with The Thinker at the top in the tympanum of the door looking down upon everything. The entire sculptural work contains 180 figures and this version of The Thinker is much smaller than the more well known over life size work.
This sculpture is a good example of the naturalism that Rodin was famous for. Take a minute to carefully observe this figure, his muscles, bones and facial expressions are all taken straight from life and nothing is idealized or over dramatized as some works of art were at this time.
Dante is portrayed as being deep in thought in this contemplative pose. Depending on the sources that I have read over he is either meant to be shown thinking about what he is about to write, what he has written, the fate of those in hell (since it was conceived as a part of The Gates of Hell from Dante's Inferno) or the fate of mankind. It is certainly possible that he could be thinking about all of those ideas.
Another source of inspiration was said to have come from the French sculptor Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux's statue of Ugolino. Ugolino was another character from the Inferno and he met his end by starving to death while imprisoned.
Rodin had spoken frequently of his debt to Michelangelo's work. During his lifetime he traveled to Florence and had visited the Casa Buonarroti which is a museum honoring the Renaissance master.
Suggested Reading:
Fergonzi, Flavio. Miaria Mimita Lamberti, Pina Ragionieri and Christopher Riopelle. Rodin and Michelangelo, A study in Artistic Inspiration. Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1996.
Choose the Best Drug Rehab Center
The decision of choosing the right drug rehab center can be a daunting task as you need to choose the center wherein you can get enough support and care to overcome the habit of excess intake of drugs. The purpose of selecting of drug rehabilitation center is to get vital support in the systematic way to get over drug habits within few months. Hence, it is a crucial decision for everyone who is looking for speedy recovery in order to return to the normal lifestyle.
The bets way to choose your treatment center is analyzing your problem in detail. It helps in giving a fair idea of what you are looking for. Once you know what you want, it is easier for you to select the bets possible treatment within your preferred area. Nowadays, many people are going to rehabilitation to seek proper treatment of their problems. Resultantly, a number of special treatment centers are available for people who need serious help.
To make the bets choice, you can personally go and visit centers and inquire about their programs.
Ask questions about the relevancy of methodologies to be adopted by these centers. Obviously, budget is an important factor that you can't afford to overlook while selecting the right drug rehab center. In addition, you can gather information by talking to people who have already undergone programs offered by a center and get the best possible treatment matching to your needs.However, while searching for a treatment center, one has to inquire about the professional skills and support systems of the chosen center. It is because of the fact that the success of support systems and skills contribute a lot to the success of the treatment program.
Sculpting David: Donatello and Michelangelo
As Florence faced the French army, the Medici and Savonarola and kept coming out ahead the symbol of the boy David facing the giant Goliath had an extra layer of symbolism and came to represent the pride they had in their republic.
Looking For Cheap Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers?
Addition is a curse affecting millions of people all around the world. It is such a serious problem and needs to be addressed as soon as possible otherwise the treatment may become very challenging. No matter how hard some people may try, they never seem to be getting over this habit. Personal efforts often do not help addicts to overcome this problem.
For this reason, there are many Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres, which help people to get of this problem and lead a normal life. Although, it is true that personal resolution of giving up addiction plays a vital role, yet professional assistance is something which greatly helps the addicts to get over this clingy problem. However, many people do not opt for professional assistance such as Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres as they are very costly.
Since most people cannot afford to pay for the treatment, therefore they do not even consider Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres for their treatments.
Well, the good news is that there are some cheap Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres which can help you overcome addition in a cost effective way.The most affordable Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics are those which work under non-profit organisations. As they are basically helping people to come over this problem than to make money, they are much cheaper as compared to other Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics. Government runs many of these cheap rehab centres and some are private wishing to make a difference in the life of unfortunate people. So, if you cannot afford a costly Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centre, go for one of these. Addition is a curse affecting millions of people all around the world. It is such a serious problem and needs to be addressed as soon as possible otherwise the treatment may become very challenging. No matter how hard some people may try, they never seem to be getting over this habit. Personal efforts often do not help addicts to overcome this problem.
For this reason, there are many Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres, which help people to get of this problem and lead a normal life. Although, it is true that personal resolution of giving up addiction plays a vital role, yet professional assistance is something which greatly helps the addicts to get over this clingy problem. However, many people do not opt for professional assistance such as Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres as they are very costly.
Since most people cannot afford to pay for the treatment, therefore they do not even consider Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres for their treatments. Well, the good news is that there are some cheap Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres which can help you overcome addition in a cost effective way.
The most affordable Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics are those which work under non-profit organisations. As they are basically helping people to come over this problem than to make money, they are much cheaper as compared to other Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics. Government runs many of these cheap rehab centres and some are private wishing to make a difference in the life of unfortunate people. So, if you cannot afford a costly Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centre, go for one of these.
These non-profit organisations are present in all parts of the world. You will easily be able to locate one in your city or in its vicinity. One thing you need to bear in mind is that the Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centre you opt for ought to be worthwhile. It should have highly efficient and professional staff that can help you in true sense.
There are also some Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics, which may be cheap but are also substandard as well. As your health and well-being is the most essential thing, you must not put it at risk by opting for cheap Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics which can't do good to you.
As a matter of fact, such Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinics may do more harm than good to you. For this reason, bear in mind that quality cannot be sacrificed for the sake of saving some money. So, opt for the cheap Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinics which have efficient staff and quality services and treatment.
In case you fail to find a cheap and worth considering Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centre, it is better to spend your money on some worthwhile centre as there is nothing like getting over your addiction. In fact, a quality Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centre can give you a new life. So if you find a cheap one, well and good, if not, go for the costly one which can take you out of the addiction in an efficient manner.
These non-profit organisations are present in all parts of the world. You will easily be able to locate one in your city or in its vicinity. One thing you need to bear in mind is that the Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centre you opt for ought to be worthwhile. It should have highly efficient and professional staff that can help you in true sense.
There are also some Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics, which may be cheap but are also substandard as well. As your health and well-being is the most essential thing, you must not put it at risk by opting for cheap Drug & Alcohol Rehab Clinics which can't do good to you.
As a matter of fact, such Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinics may do more harm than good to you. For this reason, bear in mind that quality cannot be sacrificed for the sake of saving some money. So, opt for the cheap Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinics which have efficient staff and quality services and treatment.
In case you fail to find a cheap and worth considering Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centre, it is better to spend your money on some worthwhile centre as there is nothing like getting over your addiction. In fact, a quality Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centre can give you a new life. So if you find a cheap one, well and good, if not, go for the costly one which can take you out of the addiction in an efficient manner.